Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 2 - Brainy

After something like that, well frankly I needed sleep again, and sleep is what I got.  Or tried to at least.  The following morning I decided "The hell with it" and shot off a text to my crazy stalker essentially asking what she (she "sounds" like a she to me) wants, and what she was going on about.  The response I got was...not what I was expecting.  The message went as follows:

Im sorry hun, but I can't tell you any specific details by means of email for my own security =(.  But ill tell you what, if you ever feel like you are overwhelmed, or that you really do want to find out more about what is going on, you just contact this number (-removed-), and ill come get in touch with you, alright? :) Have a nice day,


It was...oddly comforting to say the least, but it put me slightly at ease seeing this tone of voice from my creepy stalker person.

Needless to say, I didn't look at the mirrors that day.

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