Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 365 - The Last Hope

Well, it has come down to this.

It has been a full year, a full Three Hundred and Sixty Five days since this all started, and I am nowhere closer to beating his so called game.

Although, if luck has it, and The Baron's Leap Year theory was right, well then I might not be at the end of my rope just yet.  Even so, it could be one extra day, or another whole year that is given to work with.  No one can really say for sure, but at this point its all that there is left to cling to, my last hope.

I suppose such talk is getting ahead of myself at this point. All of that, is what is happening now, and of course anyone reading any of that would not be able understand it in the least.  That can be expected however, as this blog is a last ditch effort to make a journal of events.

So, if I am able to survive long enough, I shall recollect my previous year, so that events can be retold up to this point, all 365 days of it. A lot has been learned, most of it useless information that isn't relevant to me, but it may hold insight and perspectives to future players of this sick, demented game.

My current dilemma and events will be told in more detail for as long as I am capable of retaining this blog, so a summary of major points will have to do for now.

  • Everything becomes tiresome of doing something over and over again for an extended period of time, and when ever that point is reached, what ever it is then creates ways to amuse themselves for the task that they are preforming
  • In my case, I just so happen to be a victim of such boredom, and was placed into a game.
  • You are given a year to play out this game.
  • I have found that the point of this game is to convince the target into thinking he or she has a chance at winning. It is impossible to win the game with the given time limit, or without previous knowledge of others.
  • Anyone you try to gain help from will be added as a part the game unwillingly.
  • No one quite knows what happens if you don't win, but no one has won so far.
  • I may or may not have another year to play this game.
  • I have been to many places, and seen many things, most of which will haunt me for the remainder of my most likely short life.
  • He always knows your every move. This is because he oversees and controls the whole game, every aspect, and every detail.

That is all for now, this blog will be maintained as long as is possible, hopefully of some use to someone. But for now my time may be coming to and end, and I must prepare.

-The Keeper of Solace.

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