Sunday, December 18, 2011

Days 3-9: Resources

Looking back, if I had chance to change how I did things in the past year, it would have definitely been the following week.  I made so many careless mistakes that, armed with the knowledge I have now, a lot of things could have been avoided.  But... it doesn't help to dwell on such matters now, its all apart of the game, and everyone pays the price.

In the following week I did the last thing you would ever want to do in this game, and that is to succumb to the paranoia.  At work, I refused to look at any of the safety mirrors, and eventually avoided looking in any reflective surfaces at all, just so I didn't have to have a split second glance of him.  I started triple checking my locks at night, making sure the blinds were always down as well.  After spending a solid twenty minutes on the line calming down the parents whose son pretty much told them he had a stalker after him, I was able to even get my parents to be wary of any suspicious activities.

I thought back to what this "Brainy" had said to me in her first email to me, "use my resources".  So I thought to myself; "Fine, she wants to play that way? Then I'll show her and who ever she is working with my 'resources'."  So the following morning on the ninth day, I took my case to the police.  This is when I met Kristov for the first time.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 377 - Club 1234

Just an update of my whereabouts in Montreal:

I found out two things about the last club I had written in my notes.

  1. It used to be a Funeral Parlor.
  2. It is always chalk full of the most attractive people I have ever seen.
It just seems so suiting for some reason.

Anyways sarcasm aside, I did find out a few key factors of what I had been up to in the past week.  First off, I am not sure how I was even allowed admittance into this club as it seemed they only let the most attractive people in Montreal enter.  It was also very crowded, but sure enough after some time I bumped into a few people I apparently had become acquainted with.  

It was hard to piece out much from all of the commotion, but from what I understood, I was looking for a particular person.  Of course my first thought was The Baron, but my hopes were quickly let down when I learned I was looking for a Chester - something. He was some kind of go-between of The Baron's.  By the end of the night I was able to figure out the following:

The Baron had apparently been so shaken up by Day 366 that he felt not only the need to flee all the way to Montreal, but to create a buffer for himself in the form of a go-between.  This go-between I had to find at one of the bars in Montreal in order to get to The Baron.  So... basically a wild goose chase. Great


Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 2 - Brainy

After something like that, well frankly I needed sleep again, and sleep is what I got.  Or tried to at least.  The following morning I decided "The hell with it" and shot off a text to my crazy stalker essentially asking what she (she "sounds" like a she to me) wants, and what she was going on about.  The response I got was...not what I was expecting.  The message went as follows:

Im sorry hun, but I can't tell you any specific details by means of email for my own security =(.  But ill tell you what, if you ever feel like you are overwhelmed, or that you really do want to find out more about what is going on, you just contact this number (-removed-), and ill come get in touch with you, alright? :) Have a nice day,


It was...oddly comforting to say the least, but it put me slightly at ease seeing this tone of voice from my creepy stalker person.

Needless to say, I didn't look at the mirrors that day.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 376 - Zero1

Today I found myself on the twelfth floor of a hotel on Montreal called "Zero1", the room number being 01 on the first floor.  Zero 1201 marked my door, or otherwise 0 12/01.  The thing is that I can't even tell if it was a sick joke of my own or by someone else, because the room was already paid for.  This past week is only coming back to me in bits and pieces.

I had quickly assessed my surroundings and found that my camera was near by, so I took this photo:

It certainly had looked like I had been there for a while.  I had old clothes on the floor, closets were open, old coffee sitting in the pot, and I looked worse for wear.  Not only did I ache but it looked like I hadn't bothered to change when ever I had gotten to the hotel.  When I got up to look at myself in the mirror, it looked like I had been a bar fight or two. Upon looking out the window to see where I was, it really wouldn't surprise me:

As noted, after looking up the hotel, I had soon found out I was in Montreal.  Confused beyond anything, I quickly consulted my notes.  From what I was able to piece out, I had finally gotten in touch with The Baron after all that had happened on Day 366.  For some reason however, he needed to go into hiding somewhere a bit further than his den, aka going to Montreal.  So a few days later I had made my way to Montreal and checked into the hotel, so either him or I had to have paid for it.  My thoughts are on The Baron however, since it was a pretty expensive looking hotel:

The Lobby of Zero1
My notes didn't tell me much, outside of the fact that I have been here in Montreal for little under a week now.  I apparently have been waiting for The Baron to get in contact with me. Either that or I have been trying to find him, I am not sure which.  It looks like I certainly didn't waste the opportunity of being in Montreal however, as there are a list of phone numbers, clubs, and bars that I had been to in the last few days.  The last one on the list being "Club 1234" I guess that is a good place to start once I gather myself up.  I might find out something about what I have been up to.  It looks like I have some time on my hands, so I shall upload a few more posts as to what has already happened as well.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 369/370

Finally, finally, a freaking line of contact, took you long enough Baron.

I'll keep this short since I don't have much time during the day to do this as it is, and I still need to focus on the past as well as the present.

I will be meeting with him soon in a dislocated spot to try and figure out this mess and what happened on day 366.  I am starting to have my suspicions just remembering all the way back to the beginning to be able to write these posts.  So hopefully The Baron will be able to clear a few things up for me since I am at a complete loss as to why everything turned onto its head in the course of a few hours.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 1 - 8760 Hours Remain. (Part 4)

Anyways, with that out of the way, one could imagine why going into work on this particular day was awkward.  Of course what made it worse, was the fact that on that particular day, it was the end of my life as I knew it... as well as the day I started seeing him.  It started of with just the feeling of paranoia and feeling like something was off, or even that someone was watching.

I soon was proven wrong however, and that it wasn't my imagination.  I was working in a manufacturing plant for engine parts, so it wasn't really noticeable at first with all the people and machinery, but after time I started seeing it.  In that building, it is necessary to have convex mirrors at intersections of walkways so that one can see the whole area around that spot.

After a while of working there you started having the habit of just automatically looking at the mirrors as you walked past them.  That is when I started seeing him, some tall government looking man with a suit on.  Of course I never saw him when I looked down. Now, this struck me as odd, as I don't remember there being any buzz about Govt. figures coming in to look at a project proposal, and no one dresses that nicely during work, not even the plant manager.

This kept happening throughout the day, and with everything else that had happened, it was a little unnerving.  I asked my Lead Edge about it, one of my bosses so to speak, and he hadn't the faintest clue to what I was talking about. No one had seen a tall guy with a suit walking around the plant.  He then quickly assessed and told me to get more sleep at night since I looked like I was lacking it, and that it was making me loopy.

On the way home, I was quick to realize how foolish I had been being recently.  I have had something similar like this happen to me before when I was younger and didn't get much sleep.  I would start imagining things as well as sleepwalking in which I would do things that I would not remember.  I would be surprised to learn what I did from my parents the following morning.  I was glad I was able to come to this rationale and was going to get a good long nights sleep, that is, before I checked my email.  There was another one from this "Brainy" and it simply said this:

"So, have you started seeing him yet?"

Day 1 - 8760 Hours Remain. (Part 3)

However once again, I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least try and figure out some more details about what on earth was going on.  So I opened up my email to try and think of what the hell I would send. However to my surprise I already had a message in my inbox from that exact email address.  If I wasn't freaked out before I sure was now. The message is as follows:

To: xxxxxx
Subject: Dawn of the First Day: 8760 Hours (minus what ever time it is that you read this) remains.

Why Hello! Wake up from that Blood Buzz sleepy head! Hmm, now I am sure you think i'm some creepy stalker or psychopath! =0 You have every right to think so too in your situation =3. 

I didn't expect you to go and try to get a hold of me right away anyways, that message was more or less a way to get you on your computer and at least think about your email, so that you could see this! ^__^ 

All I can tell you now is for your sake you should contact me as soon as you can, you have a whole year to do so, but frankly you really don't want to wait that long, beliiiiiive me!
 *creepy thing I am about to say alert!*

I have been watching you for a while now, keeping tabs on you, but don't worry, think of me more as your guardian angel! =3 Anyways, I know the situation you are in, so I will graciously give you a hint, which I normally don't do by the way!~

Use your resources, find out what is going on, and figure a way to get out of it.  There is information everywhere past and present, you just have to know where to look.

That is all for now =3 I will keep in touch, and I suggest you do the same! =D Have a tolerable day,


I promptly decided to take a shower and go back to bed before work.  I didn't want to deal with that shit.

Oh! Right, you know what sucks? Finding out that in the shower that what ever that shit was on my arm was that I thought was ink, actually has some kind of reaction when warm water is applied to it! Yeah, it fucking hurt.  Not only that, but after the fact I wasn't able to get the crap off my arm, so it was like insta-fucking-tattoo! Who ever developed that crap could make some money I swear.  Fortunately it doesn't last forever, but that's something for later on.

Day 1 - 8760 Hours Remain. (Part 2)

I was almost afraid as well as hesitant of the next logical step, I checked my notebook from the previous day to find these:

Rules: 1 Alone, 2 One year, 3 Survive, 4???

Besides the obvious Roman Numeral of 12, I have no idea what this symbol was supposed to mean or why it kept appearing, and especially scrawled on my frigging arm no less. I also had no idea if I had written it myself or not.  The same with the "Rules" even though it had absolute horrid handwriting, I recognized it as my own.  By this point I was utterly sure I had lost my mind, first I end up in some place I had never seen before, and now it looked like I was writing myself death threats.

At this point I was pretty sure I had been drugged in some shape or manner, and what I found next further increased those suspicions.  On the back side of the first "directions" I wrote the day previous I found this note for me that was definitely not my handwriting.

"You might need me more than you think you will, come home in that car you love, brainy, brainy, ~Brainy"
At this point I honestly wondered if I was drugged and put it in light terms "assaulted".  I actually recognized the note itself, and upon double checking I found that I was right.  Those are part of the lyrics for a  song called "Brainy" from The National.

Day 1 - 8760 Hours Remain. (Part 1)

December 1st, 2010, The first day of a long string misconceptions and lies.

I woke up screaming.

The dream was... well the first time I had this dream I did not remember much of it; there were two people, which the dream kept switching the point of view, and one of them died.  What was so unnerving thing about it was what I did remember of the dream, was so vivid and sharp it was like I was there, and could feel the person's emotions.

After I realized I wasn't in any immediate danger I assessed my surroundings and found that I had made it back to my apartment somehow.  Upon trying to remember how I had gotten back, I found that the last thing I was able to remember from that night was after finding myself pulled over in the car.

The logical side of me was saying that there was obviously something wrong with the situation and that I needed to leave.  However soon after another side of me reasoned that there was obviously a reason I would have written what I did in my notes and was where I was, and so should figure out why it was important to myself.  After deciding this I got out of the car and... blank.

In the midst of rubbing some feeling into my face, trying to wake myself up further, I noticed why my arm felt like it had been dragged through a thorn bush:

I had no fucking clue where it had come from or who drew it on my arm, it could have been myself for all I knew.  The odd thing about it besides the drawing itself, is that my arm was completely sore and red and the  drawing was overlapping itself as if someone had been re-drawing it on my arm as it faded.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 367 - Still Alive.

I see a few people have already found this so... I am still alive, and if I play my cards right I should be for a while.

I can't really explain much of what is going on now, and at the moment I am trying to keep a low profile of my whereabouts.  I will continue my posts of past events when I can, I am fortunate to have to tools to do so even on the move, so I should be alright for a while.

Brainy if you are one of the people who have found this blog, please, please get a hold of me, you aren't one to just up and leave like that, especially after something like that, but yet I haven't heard a word from anyone at all, not even your usual cryptic nonsense.

Stay safe everyone


Day 0 - GM

I will try to keep these posts of past events on topic, to avoid confusion of curent events.

Something about myself I should probably explain beforehand however, in which I have come to realize has been a key point in my survival, is that I have a... I guess you could call it a "thing" for recording events about myself, as I am sure was apparent by this record itself.

Anyways, I am always taking notes, pictures, and sometimes video.  They are not always every single occurrence or detail, but I record quite often and with enough information to recall and recover something in the past. I believe it helps me retain information and even knowledge about myself... well that has proven to be more or less true, but I digress.

The thing is, all of this, what ever you want to call this, didn't happen all at once, there were the signs I picked up on that lead to the beginning of everything, 366 days ago on December 1st, 2010.  Loss of time.  That was the big signal for me, and when I started to notice a change. Sure, I can be a bit space headed sometimes... but never would I completely forget or vaguely remember events as if I had been out drinking until I was utterly smashed.  That's what it felt like.

It started off small, like forgetting what I was just doing, and progressed to larger gaps, of vaguely remembering where I was driving to, or why I had drove to the location in the first place.  I started relying more and more on my notes to recall and refresh myself, not only to remember but reassure myself.  That is when I started noticing other things around me, not sure if they were spawns of paranoia.  Unfamiliar and out of place objects, people, and even locations started becoming noticeable to me, and it wasn't until my notes started to lose meaning did I really start to panic.

They were random tidbits of chicken scratch handwriting, but they made no sense in the flow on my usual recordings, and seemed to have no bearing on anything until what I like to call: Day 0.

On this particular day, November 30th of 2010, the only thing that was supposed to happen was to complete another day of work, and return to my apartment for a nice long nap, obviously none of those things fucking happened.

After work and getting into my car, the only thing I remember next is waking up with the sun setting in the distance, and I was pulled over at what looked to be some sort of abandoned industrial park with a splitting head ache, my eyes feeling as if I had been crying for hours, and most of my body aching like I had just taken the mile run in a gym class.  The only reassurance my notes held, or at had hoped would hold, were the previous notes I had written about work and groceries... and this:

I had no idea what any of it meant or why i would write anything like that, in fact I hardly remember anything else from that night besides a constant feeling of discomfort to the point where it was almost painful.

And that is when the nightmares started.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 366 - Miscalculations

I seemed to have drastically miscalculated everything.

Nothing is what it seemed.  I may still be alive, but I am lucky enough to have survived without being a bloody pulp.

The rules weren't even what they had seemed to be, well... that isn't entirely right, they were all true in a sense...just, there's more to it than I ever thought possible. This lack of knowledge and naivety nearly cost me my life, and this wretched cluster fuck that is considered a game.

I still have had no word from either Brainy or The Baron, and I have no clue where either of them could have gone.

I see now more than ever, that as long as I can remain breathing, and I suppose able to type, why it is necessary to review and recover all the events in the past year the best I can.  There has to be something I missed, some detail, some clue, as to why this is all happening now of all times.

Hopefully...well that is just the worst word to use at this point, "hope"... regardless, hopefully by doing this I will be able to piece together something in a big picture rather than looking at in pieces like I have been all this time.


I shall start this task as soon as I am able to gather all of my notes...and my scattered mind for that matter.  I will try recall the events as they happened the best I can.  However, I may not be able to string the events together on a day to day basis, but rather have to resort to grouping them in multiple days, weeks, and perhaps even months.

This was sure to have confused anyone reading including myself, but as I do need this now more than ever, I shall continue to write and record everything for not only my own sake, but for anyone else as well.

-The Keeper of Solace

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 365 - The Last Hope

Well, it has come down to this.

It has been a full year, a full Three Hundred and Sixty Five days since this all started, and I am nowhere closer to beating his so called game.

Although, if luck has it, and The Baron's Leap Year theory was right, well then I might not be at the end of my rope just yet.  Even so, it could be one extra day, or another whole year that is given to work with.  No one can really say for sure, but at this point its all that there is left to cling to, my last hope.

I suppose such talk is getting ahead of myself at this point. All of that, is what is happening now, and of course anyone reading any of that would not be able understand it in the least.  That can be expected however, as this blog is a last ditch effort to make a journal of events.

So, if I am able to survive long enough, I shall recollect my previous year, so that events can be retold up to this point, all 365 days of it. A lot has been learned, most of it useless information that isn't relevant to me, but it may hold insight and perspectives to future players of this sick, demented game.

My current dilemma and events will be told in more detail for as long as I am capable of retaining this blog, so a summary of major points will have to do for now.

  • Everything becomes tiresome of doing something over and over again for an extended period of time, and when ever that point is reached, what ever it is then creates ways to amuse themselves for the task that they are preforming
  • In my case, I just so happen to be a victim of such boredom, and was placed into a game.
  • You are given a year to play out this game.
  • I have found that the point of this game is to convince the target into thinking he or she has a chance at winning. It is impossible to win the game with the given time limit, or without previous knowledge of others.
  • Anyone you try to gain help from will be added as a part the game unwillingly.
  • No one quite knows what happens if you don't win, but no one has won so far.
  • I may or may not have another year to play this game.
  • I have been to many places, and seen many things, most of which will haunt me for the remainder of my most likely short life.
  • He always knows your every move. This is because he oversees and controls the whole game, every aspect, and every detail.

That is all for now, this blog will be maintained as long as is possible, hopefully of some use to someone. But for now my time may be coming to and end, and I must prepare.

-The Keeper of Solace.