Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 486 - Security

Well, after much tedious (but necessary) work, I finally managed to setup and acquire a secure enough connection to the outside world.  I owe a few favors... but that's beside the point. I now have a safe enough way to get caught up, for now at least. Not completely sure how long this will remain secure, but hopefully long enough for what I need.

If all goes well, which it rarely does, I should be able to get more content up and going now, and focus on the first year... unfortunately I have had one major set back that might hinder the usefulness of these records.  Most my notes, daily records, pictures, as well as video had been either destroyed or stolen from me in the 100 day period of my hiatus.

This doesn't mean I won't be able to continue, however it does increase the importance of me recalling and recovering what has happened.  It does mean though, that my posts wont be nearly as reliable and straightforward as before.  Although stagnant, they did provide for a straightforward and factorial approach rather than having my thoughts and emotions dominate what I wrote. It doesn't help crying over spilt milk at this point, or in my case, blood. I will just have to make due, as well as anyone else who might need to use this blog as a reference.

With that said, I shall have my first post up tonight, as it doesn't make sense to waste any more time than I already have.


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