Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 489: Hope

If there is only one thing that anyone needs to remember, including myself, its to not let anything ever take what hope you have away from you.  That is how they get you in the end.

Never loose hope
Never give up
Keep going no matter what
I shall keep the solace for you, for whenever you need it.

I am so sorry Aya "Virginia". May your sacrifice never be in vain. Here's to you, rest in peace.

I am ready for the file Cain.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Days 9-19: Kristov

It will be difficult without all of my records to accurately piece every day together, so most likely these posts are going to come as groups of days, but I suppose this might weed out some of the unimportant details.

Now, as I am sure you can imagine, going to the law enforcement with this type of problem doesn't often yield with the outcome you had hoped for.  Needless to say, I didn't retrieve too much of an overwhelming reception to my story, what with tall men and creepy girls stalking me.  I could only imagine how many of these type of claims they had to deal with regularly.  It wasn't until I started getting into the finer details of what had happened and showed the mark on my arm, that one of the near by officers showed interest in me.

As I was leaving the station, disheartened, this particular officer pulled me aside for a moment and introduced himself to me.  He went by the name of Officer Kristov and made you feel intimidated just by being in the same room as him. He was a rather large and well built Russian man and was the type of individual who believed a war that has long past been resolved, was still in effect.  There are two problems with this picture however, one being that he was considerably too young to have been in any of said wars, and two, any reference to "The Motherland" was relating to himself.  He was an interesting character to say the least.

However, all of this aside he did pleasantly surprise me with his genuine interest in my case.  I still don't know to this day if it was a look of excitement or fear when I showed him the mark on my arm, but continued to go on about how similar situations to mine had been happening in the area, and he had been looking into it.  He then assured me that I had his full backing and that if anything suspicious at all were to happen, be it another sighting, email, or something worse, to get into contact with him right away, in any way that I could.  He said by asking for him personally would do, but stopped and even gave me a private number to use if I needed to get in touch with him right away.  This was both unnerving but the same time it instantly gave me a sense of security for the first time ever since this started happening.

From there on out, after a few abrupt and random calls from Kristov himself, we developed a sort of report system where, about every day or so, I would tell him a basic summary of the day, and more importantly if there was anything out of the ordinary that stuck out.  Oddly enough I had not heard from this "Brainy" since meeting with Kristov, and it may have been due to me not being as paranoid of everything around me, but everything seemed to die down. That is of course, until the morning of the 18th, when out of nowhere I received this email:

To: xxxxxx
Subject: xxxxxx
*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhh* Kristov, really? >_<
You should know better than that by now silly man. =3
Seems like someone is half awake in a fake empire. =P
Oh welllll, you will learn soon enough I suppose ^_^
As always, have a tolerable day! =3
Yes, it was another music reference, this time being a song called "Fake Empire" by the same band as always, The National. I had no idea what her deal was with this band of hers.
When I told Kristov about the email he didn't say too much, and was surprisingly not too vocal about it. However, that night and the following day I did notice that a police cruiser seemed to be patrolling near and around my streets a bit more often than what could be considered normal.  When I asked Kristov about he he only replied with "It must just be a coincidence, I guess you should consider it a positive thing though."

Something was definitely up, but I probably was thinking that due to the fact that it had seemed like the email I had received was directed at Kristov himself, rather than myself.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 486 - Security

Well, after much tedious (but necessary) work, I finally managed to setup and acquire a secure enough connection to the outside world.  I owe a few favors... but that's beside the point. I now have a safe enough way to get caught up, for now at least. Not completely sure how long this will remain secure, but hopefully long enough for what I need.

If all goes well, which it rarely does, I should be able to get more content up and going now, and focus on the first year... unfortunately I have had one major set back that might hinder the usefulness of these records.  Most my notes, daily records, pictures, as well as video had been either destroyed or stolen from me in the 100 day period of my hiatus.

This doesn't mean I won't be able to continue, however it does increase the importance of me recalling and recovering what has happened.  It does mean though, that my posts wont be nearly as reliable and straightforward as before.  Although stagnant, they did provide for a straightforward and factorial approach rather than having my thoughts and emotions dominate what I wrote. It doesn't help crying over spilt milk at this point, or in my case, blood. I will just have to make due, as well as anyone else who might need to use this blog as a reference.

With that said, I shall have my first post up tonight, as it doesn't make sense to waste any more time than I already have.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 480 - Compromised

Well shit, has it already been over 100 days?  Hm, well I guess I could also say "Wait, its only been 100 days since my last post?".  Never thought I would find myself saying something like that, especially during the events of the previous year, not that time is an important as a factor as it used to be.  From here on out its only really a matter of when.

Not that I care all too much about anything on this blog except for why I keep it, but for formalities sake I should clarify that I am still alive.  This of course is not without some consequences as per usual.  Regardless, I apologize to the one poor schmuck out there who was betting on my death.

That aside, I am safe and secure...for the moment, even though I 'm sure being connected to the outside world is now adding risk to my current well being.  However, I now know for certain that the answer I am looking for is somewhere in those first 366 days.  Most people would just stay offline and continue re-hashing what had happened away on a simple word document, I on the other hand need the connection.   At this point I need every resource I have left available to me despite the dangers involved.  That and...I did make a promise to do this blog for others, and I don't go back on my word so, for those special few, here you go.  Though don't expect me to be wholehearted about it.

Now, for reasons that should be obvious to some of you, for my own safety I cannot simply write down all that has happened here in the past 100 or so days, or what there is to come.  So now my efforts on this blog will shift mainly towards the first year. however if anything of significance comes up, I am sure I can make that exception,  in order to be able to uphold my promise, as well as what's left of my sanity.

That's all for now, lets see how long I can ride this thing out.

Oh. Right. One last thing.
Mr. November?
I'm coming for your head you sick son of a bitch, and that's a fucking promise.
